Good to Know: Thoughtful Decorating
Images by Lucy Call.
Last week, we were invited to go on KSL Studio 5 and talk about some of our favorite tips for decorating thoughtfully. Thoughtful design is incredibly important to us, and in addition to providing thoughtful homes for our clients, we want to help everyone have beautiful and thoughtful homes. Our homes are the most personal place to us, so we want to encourage you to not worry about pleasing other people, and think about the style that will make you feel happy and comfortable. Here are a few of our favorite tips for being more thoughtful about your home decor.
Ignore the Trends
We’ve talked about this a lot lately, but it is especially true when you’re trying to be thoughtful about your decor. Instead of following the trends or thinking about what is popular, consider what you want to reflect and show in your home. Gather things that reflect you, including items from travels, interesting antiques, and family heirlooms. These types of items will evoke happy memories and help people get a better sense of who you are when they come to your home.
This process of gathering is going to take some time, and that’s okay. A thoughtful home is built up over time, as you compile items that you find interesting or meaningful. Great design is a process and finding the right items will be better long term than simply filling space.
Of course, trends aren’t all bad. They can be a great educational tool for learning about different types of design, but they should not necessarily direct our design plans. Click here to read more about our thoughts on trends, and where we do suggest using them.
Infuse color through accessories & Art
Not everyone needs to be a minimalist! We all love a good neutral base, but color brings depth and warmth to a room. If you’re scared of colorful paint or wallpaper, accessories and art are an excellent opportunity to infuse color into your home. If color overall feels overwhelming, blues and greens tend to be the safest and most transitional colors that most people are happy with long-term.
Move things around & Repurpose to keep things fresh.
If your home is feeling stale, rearrange the furniture and re-style the shelves to get a new perspective on your space. I noticed that after moving my living room around to accommodate my Christmas tree, the room had a new feeling. This is a great way to keep things feeling new and updated without having to spend any money.
You can watch the full KSL segment below, or click here to watch it in a larger format.