First Name
Last Name
Who is living in your household?
(names, genders and ages - if applicable)
Do you have colors that you favor or are meaningful?
List any meaningful places to you and your family:
List any specific family interests:
(individual and as a group)
List all your favorite types/genres of art:
(portraits, landscapes, still life, etc.) (oil painting, sketches, photography, plates, textiles, etc.)
How important to you is having original art pieces versus prints?
Very Important
Happy to have a mix of both
Not important
List any musicians, designers, sports teams, authors and/or artists you and your family admire:
Do you want live or faux plants/tree sourced
Live Plants
Faux Plants
Other additional household items you'd like us to source
Everyday dishes (cups, plates, bowls, etc.)
Everyday cutlery
Pots and Pans
Bath Towels
Other (please specify below)
List any other additional household items you would like us to source that wasn't listed above.